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Sunday, December 30, 2012

Christmas Toys

Travis and I were good this past year, so Santa brought us gifts this year too.  Travis got a trainer kite so he could learn how to kiteboard.  We always have wind at the house, so he got to practice the other day.  He did great and his arms were only a little tired afterwards.
I tried to upload some video to prove how well he was doing, but it was taking too long, so you'll just have to take my word for it. It was pretty entertaining to watch, so I may have to try my hand at it too.

My big present was a new camera, so now that the battery is charged, you'll probably be overwhelmed with pictures of our little man!  Here are a few pictures of Bryant sporting his new outfits and playing with  new toys from Christmas.

His tool work bench has really helped him practice his sitting up skills

and he's been pushing up more and for longer periods of time

and he still loves to stand.
I don't think it will be long before this boy is moving all around!

Merry Christmas

Bryant loved his first Christmas and was so lucky to be able to spend it with so much family.  Unfortunately, I didn't get pictures of him with everybody.
We spent Christmas Eve at my parent's house and were joined by my brother and his family.
Bryant LOVED the lights on the tree

and his rocking horse from Aunt Jen and Uncle Ryan

and Reagan's bear
 Then, my parent's came out to our house for Christmas morning to open up stockings, our presents to Bryant, and to see what Santa brought him.

After some breakfast, we headed off to Whitehall where we met up with Travis' parents and his sister and family.
All the cousins - Madeline, Olivia, and Bryant.  Can you believe Bryant is a month younger than Olivia?
Bryant loved having a playmate
 The next day we headed off to Fairmont for Bryant's second swim and he still loves it!

He also got to go for his first sled ride with me and Madeline.

He learned a lot from his older cousin and is getting better at sitting up.

Christmas and time with family went by so fast and I didn't get nearly enough pictures to capture all the memories, but I want to say Thank You to everyone for making this such a special Christmas for Bryant (and us)!

Friday, December 28, 2012

Preparing for Christmas

Dear Santa,
I have been a really good boy this year.  I may look like I was naughty and put in jail, but I was just showing my parents that I could hold myself up.

If you don't believe me, maybe this face will convince you of my innocence...

I've been trying to help my parents and hold my own bottle during feedings

I have left out my stocking that they made for me at daycare so you have some place to leave all my goodies
 and my ornament from daycare so you remember my face and how good of a boy I was
I really would like to meet you and have been waking up in the middle of the night in anticipation of your arrival.  On this night, I fell asleep waiting for you by my tree and fireplace.

I tried to stay up all night Christmas Eve because I was so excited

but I must have finally fallen asleep at 11:00 because you still came and spoiled me!

Love, Bryant

Thursday, December 20, 2012


We took Bryant to meet Santa last Sunday and he did great!  He sat down and grabbed his beard then turned and smiled at the camera.  Judging by how the older kids did with Santa, this may be the best picture we will ever get with Santa!
 I decided to try my hand at a couple nice Christmas pictures.  I didn't do very good, but I did get a smiling baby...

Charlie Brown Christmas!!!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

O Christmas Tree

On Wednesday night, we decorated our Christmas tree and Bryant loved looking at all the ornaments 


Our little angel on top of the tree

 It is hard to believe Christmas is just around the corner, but this smiley baby is ready to experience his first Christmas!

Saturday, December 8, 2012

More Birthday Celebrations

Bryant got to help Daddy celebrate his birthday last week and was really excited for the ribbon on his presents.

Travis and I always say that we can see him growing and changing every day.  One of his favorite things to do is stand.  He gets super excited and his balance is getting better and better.
 He also loves to "jump" with the other baby in the mirror.

His lucky game day attire brought the Cats good luck last weekend, but the luck ran out in their last playoff game.  Daycare was bragging about how he set a record with drinking 9 ounces of milk in one sitting and then he proceeded to get his lucky outfit really dirty.  So, the Handls take total responsibility for that loss on Friday, but who can get mad at that smile:)

We taught Travis how to use the moby wrap so he could carry Bryant around on his days off.  Bryant added some head wear to increase the toughness factor.

He has also taken a very big interest in Mocha lately and apparently now wants to even sit like her:)
He can now roll both left and right to get from his back to his tummy and as of Friday night, Bryant now rolls from tummy to back. He is pretty entertaining to watch play on his blankets now because he just rolls back and forth and squirms all around. 
He's been playing with toys for a while, but he's really been able to grab them a lot better now.  It's funny to ride in the car with him and hear him pulling and playing with the toys on his car seat.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

4 Months

I'm about a week late in my post, which goes to show how fast time flies.  Our little man is 4 months old!  He went in for his doctor's appointment on Tuesday, so we were able to see how much he has grown.  His stats at 4 months old were 26" long (81%), 16 pounds 2 ounces (61%), and head circumference was 43.5 cm (92%).  Bryant still continues to excel in his brain size:)
 Being the nerdy auditor that I am, I did a chart to compare Bryant to Travis and am amazed at their similarities.  Their weight has increased at the same rate and Bryant is just a little bit longer than Travis was at this age. 
Weight Comparison
Length comparison
The day after Thanksgiving, daycare was closed, but Travis and I both still had to work, so Bryant got to go to Grandpa Jack daycare.  You can tell who runs the household as Bryant already took ownership of Grandpa's chair!

Not too long ago, I joked about Bryant's clothes and the stripe monster, well at Grandpa daycare, Bryant was able to get a good nap even though he was surrounded by spots!

Bryant also helped me celebrate the start of a new decade. 

After he gets his shots, he is always a little uncomfortable, so I was glad Travis was able to have the next two days off afterwards to take care of him.  I like Bryant's daycare, but I also like having him be watched by family so I can get picture updates during my day!  Bryant got to take a nap in our bed after his shots and looked quite comfortable.
It has been an exciting 4 months and we can't wait to see what is in store for us for month 5!