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Monday, December 9, 2019

September Update

Looking back in pictures, September was quite a month.  It was full of activities and quite the weather changes!  We started off September with a hike up Mount Helena.

Garrett made it to the cave before we (Travis) would carry him

But we made it to the top!

Bryant loves to hike.  He takes extra trails and even though we went to the cave on the way up, he wanted to climb back up there again.

Garrett using his "Oncleurs" aka binoculars

We also went bowling one afternoon

Bryant's holding up 2 fingers because he picked up 2 spares

Garrett's holding up 2 fingers because Bryant did and he wanted his picture too

More than bowling, these kids really wanted to go miniature golfing.  Although the course is far from impressive, this was the last time they would get to use it since they are tearing it down.

If you do one continuous put, is that just one stroke?  That's Garrett's theory at least

Since we didn't have the Brewers in town any more, we decided to drive to Great Falls to watch the last Voyagers game of the year.  The boys had a blast! 

I'm pretty sure we'll have to check them at the doctor for hollow legs because these boys can put away the food when they want to.  Garrett ate a whole hot dog and we just had lunch right before the game...

How do you eat your ice cream?

Bryant showing me how tall he is

This year, Bryant decided he wanted to play football.  When we showed up to his first game, Garrett got excited because there was a kid there who goes to his new preschool and his older brother was on Bryant's team.  So while the older kids were playing flag football, the younger kids were playing tackle!

Bryant is a pretty timid kid, so we weren't sure how he was going to do with football, but he did a great job blocking on this play so his teammate could score a touchdown.

I don't remember what we did that morning, but it sure tuckered Garrett out.  I had to take advantage of those snuggles because he rarely naps with me anymore.

Are you impressed with Garrett's magic trick?

Oh how I wish I could remember what this sad face was for.  I think I told him he could only have 1 cookie and not 2...

These pictures are blurry, but him and his buddy sure had fun at the football games.

Bryant was the quarterback in this picture

Trav painted a miniature football field in our yard and the boys had so much fun playing.  Apparently we need to spend more time with Garrett on celebrating because he clearly did not know what a chest bump was...

Watching Carroll football.  Bryant had a buddy show up to the game, so they walked the sideline and followed the football.

The boys were excited to have Grandma and Grandpa there too.  We went to head home after the game and the boys threw a fit that they had to come with us.  So they went with Grandma and Grandpa and Trav and I enjoyed time to ourselves!

It was Bryant's picture day at school, so we took a couple of pictures at home before.

Garrett being goofy in the car before one of Bryant's football games.

Bryant has had some shark teeth going on where his adult teeth are coming in behind his baby teeth, so the baby teeth really have to be wiggled and pulled for them to come out.  His first tooth was getting really loose, so one night I said I was going to wiggle it and I tried to pull it.  I didn't get it and Bryant was so mad at me for tricking him.  But the next morning, he let me try to wiggle again and when I tried to pull it out, he tried to push my hand away and we ended up popping the tooth out.  He was so happy (and so was I that we finally got that tooth out!).

Garrett's art project from school

Then Bryant got really upset that night when we went to put his tooth under his pillow for the tooth fairy.  He didn't want her to take it because it was his and he was going to miss it, etc.  He could have cared less about the money - he just wanted to keep his tooth (and his treasure box that he got from the dentist).  

So we settled on a note to at least keep his treasure chest.

Garrett had show and tell where you were supposed to bring a picture of your pet

Of course Bryant wanted a picture too

Little Johnny Appleseed getting ready to pick a whole bunch more apples.

The boys loved the playgrounds at the new schools so much that we had to go back one night.

Garrett was holding the ball for Grandpa to kick it.

His laugh is so incredibly contagious!

Bryant was going for a dude perfect throw.

He hit the backboard and rim several times, but then he finally made it!  And make sure to watch till the end - sorry Trav, but jumping isn't as easy as it used to be:)

All those apples that little Johnny Appleseed picked were for some delicious apple cider.  Travis and Bryant built an apple press.  We wanted to get the cider made before heading to the Carroll football game and Bryant was all excited to help.  But he ended up hurting his neck by just twisting funny and didn't want to get out of bed for a couple of days:(

Garrett helped though.  He was grabbing the apples out of Trav's truck for me to wash and Trav to press.  We ended up getting about 20 gallons and was so delicious without adding any sugars or flavors to it.  I can't wait to do it again next year!

Since Bryant's neck was bothering him, he and Travis stayed home to watch the Carroll football game on tv and Garrett and I went.  Garrett was so excited he found a ladybug friend at the game.

It's funny the things kids pick up when they watch the different sports.  Garrett saw people slap the football before they threw it, so he started doing it too.  The kid sure can throw a good spiral!

More flag football games!

You can see the weather changed pretty drastically from the beginning of the month!

Bryant didn't like being the running back and usually requested to not run, but he did do it for one play this season and I got it on tape!  He didn't think the other team were very good sports because they threw his flag on the ground afterwards instead of handing his flag back to him, so he didn't want to run it again.

There was a possibility of snow  and I think a few tiny flakes were falling, so he had to test out his winter gear to make sure it still fit.

Then it was time for these ninjas to watch Bobcat football on TV!

And just like that September was over!