Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Bryant is 5!!!

Bryant wanted a ninjago party this year, so these were the invitations I created.

I couldn't find anyone in town to make a cake, so Travis and I attempted fondant frosting for the first time.  It was a PAIN, but Bryant was happy with the finished product.

Getting ready for his party, which was at Kidsports, a gymnastics center.

Garrett loved little Kamryn...these two are going to be best of friends!

He was a little cautious of the trampolines.

Madeline got on the rings!

I think the kids had a lot of fun at the party.  He had a good mixture of family, our friends, and his school friends.

Then he opened presents from family at home.

This picture cracks me up...Garrett loves to show his belly!

Bryant was super excited for an Aaron Judge jersey.  He told me one day that Grandpa Jack calls him little Aaron Judge and when I asked why, he said it's because he hits a lot of home runs.

Garrett and bats or swords is a BAD combination.  He is such a bam-bam!

Cousin hugs!

Bryant really wanted a pinata, except in this case with it being a minion, he thought it should be called a minata:)

Then...water fight!!!

I love this action shot:

The next day was Bryant's actual birthday and his present hadn't arrived in the mail yet, so we sent him to school for half the day...and that way he could bring cupcakes to his school friends.

After school, it was time for more presents.

Garrett liked the lego helicopter that Bryant had built the day before.

The first clue for his present...can you guess what he got?

He'd been asking for months for a motorcycle, so he was ready to ride it right away.

I was nervous, but he picked it up pretty quick.

Garrett really like Bryant's stomp rocket present

Shhh...don't tell Bryant that I had one of his cupcakes...he'll never know!

More presents!

On Tuesday, Bryant had a special day with Grandma Susie and Grandpa Jack where they took him golfing and then picked up Garrett and took them to the park and for frozen yogurt.  I love these pictures on the slide!

Bryant's birthday always turns into a birthday week.  He had his party on Sunday, birthday on Monday, golfing on Tuesday, and t-ball and cousin time on Wednesday

Up next for the birthday, Frontier Days, and more cousin time.

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