Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Thursday, October 4, 2018


Anyone looking for someone to care for their plants?  I have a little ninjago that is super efficient...

Surprise!  It was just Garrett, but he does love to water plants with a squirt bottle.

Travis was helping someone fix up their house, so I decided to take the boys to Exploration Works and the Carousel for some fun. 

The boys had so much fun with the air venting machine and trying to catch the scarves.

Garrett was not a big fan of the Carousel and refused to sit on any animals.

We found an awesome park next to the house that Travis was fixing up.  The boys always love new slides and playground equipment.

Bryant always loves picnics, so we grabbed some food and headed to the Reservoir just up the road from our house.

Bryant loves rocks and is always impressed with his finds

We have a bad routine of having the kids take showers/baths and then giving them ice cream.  Garrett always ends up a sticky mess and pretty much goes right back into the bathtub.

Ninjago's never sleep...besides watering plants, they also fight crime in their diaper.

Kite flying fun

Travis had a great idea to hook the kite up to the fishing pole.

Fun at the park in York.  I still remember the pictures of Bryant when he was Garrett's age running around this park.  The boys definitely have their differences, but they are also very much alike.

Don't you love Garrett's surprised face...Watch out for the bear!!!

Ooooo...more bears!

Bryant's last day of kindergarten.  People aren't kidding when they say time flies even faster when your kids start school.  He had a great year and although he is still a shy kid, each year he gets less and less shy.

Trav and I got to go to his last assembly where he was one of two kids from his classroom that got a Citizenship Award.  He does have a huge heart and really tries to please, but it was sort of funny because about a week before this, he and I got into an argument over a toy and I told him that he needed to start thinking about other people besides himself.  Turns out, he does.  We even got a message from the Counselor about how he got a basketball during one of their games at Field Day and one of his classmates was sad, and so he went and gave her his basketball.  

Kindergarten graduation presents and just because presents for Garrett.

Watch out drivers...Garrett is behind the wheel!

Grandma Betty went to Italy and brought back soccer balls for the boys. Garrett doesn't totally understand the concept of no hands when playing soccer...

A couple action shots of Bryant

Making brownies for Grandpa Jack's birthday

According to the candles, Grandpa Jack is aging backwards and is now 3 years old!

Bedtime snuggles with Bella.

We got to go to a special dinner with Grandma Betty for her dinner.  Bryant, exhausted from school, was crabby and chose not to be in the picture.

The boys were invited to  a friend's birthday party at the bowling alley.  Even though Bryant loves bowling, he chose not to (I'm thinking too many kids that he didn't know) and hung out in the back.  Turns out the party came to them.

Happy Father's Day to the best daddy to our kiddos that I could ever ask for!

Have I said lately that Garrett is a goofball?

We were road tripping somewhere and Bryant wanted to take pictures with my phone.

Next up in June...we fly to San Diego!

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