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Sunday, February 15, 2009

Still Taping

One of the jack and jill bedrooms (almost ready for texture, just needs one more light sand)
Mocha testing out the hardwood sample. After looking at hundreds of flooring samples, I think we finally decided on the floors for upstairs. It is an engineered hardwood and is a handscraped walnut. Although there are lots of variations in the color, it is a darker wood, so we will have to clean the floors quite a bit. With all the windows and natural light, the floors don't look too dark. The handscraped also gives it a rustic feel. It comes in 3.5", 5", and 7" widths which will also add to the rustice feel. And best of all, Mocha likes it too:)

Here's a picture of the soffits on the back of the house.

More soffit pictures - also just a tiny bit of siding left in the back.

More soffit pictures
I apologize for the lack of updates, but I feel like we are doing the same thing over and over. I'm definitely over taping and ready to start on painting and I am sure all you readers are sick of reading about taping and are ready for something new too. We are getting closer on taping. One of the Jack and Jill bedrooms needs a quick sanding, then it is all ready for texture. Actually upstairs is getting closer to be ready for texture. We are hoping to finish with the tools this week so that we can send them back. The rest would just be hand work and floating out the corners.
On another note, Travis completed the siding on the front side of the house last Monday. I was on the road last week and didn't get out to the house until Friday. Travis and I pulled into the driveway and I was so intent on looking at the soffits that it took me at least a couple of minutes to realize all the work that Travis did on the siding! It looks great and it is exciting to say that we are done with all the siding on the front of the house and just need to finish a few places on the back of the house. The soffits are going up pretty good, but it definitely shows that we have to paint some trim still.
Hopefully next time I post, I can say that multiple rooms are ready for texture...

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Taping Continued

I didn't take pictures until we left, so sorry it's not very good. We hired someone to do the soffits and fascia. They have some done on the front side of the garage and on the back side. It looks good, but they look pretty light right now because they are only next to trim pieces that are not painted yet.
We had the work lights shining in the dining room/entry way when we were leaving, so that is where you get the pictures. We are getting closer and closer everyday to being done with the taping. A fair amount of the upstairs has gotten the second coat too. The corner to the left of the door will be rock up about three feet, which is why we didn't tape down further. Those corners are all floated out and are maybe one coat away from texture!

Now that we are working later nights, we are really getting to take advantage of admiring our views at night. When we were first looking to purchase the lot, our neighbors told us that the view was great at night, but it is hard to believe until you see for yourself. The view is really great from the second story. After we finished for the night, Travis had me come look at the view from our bedroom. This is the view of the city and Mount Helena and the picture doesn't do it justice. We think the views are best from our bedroom as the views of the city and the lake are so awesome! We will be out working again tomorrow taping as usual, so hopefully we make lots of progress.