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Sunday, July 9, 2017

July 4th and Camping

We started off our Fourth of July celebration by going to the Townsend Airport for their fly-in.

Garrett waved bye-bye to all the airplanes as they were taking off

And we got really lucky when we were looking at a plane that the owner's let Bryant sit in the seat and pretend like he was flying the plane.

They even had him put on the headset.  He thought it was so cool!

I like how Garrett is signing "gentle" after he just ripped half of Trav's hair out...such a sour patch kid!

That night we went to a friend's house for a barbecue.  We found out that Garrett LOVES ribs.  He kept asking for more and was eating them totally caveman style.

We went to a park fairly close by to watch the East Helena fireworks.  I was impressed that both boys made it to 11:00 pm to watch all the fireworks.  

We had another t-ball game last week.  It seems like every kid on Bryant's team chases the balls and tackles each  other to get it, except Bryant.  But I also like how he's the only one who seems to be paying attention!

Garrett looked so cute in his overalls the other night that I attempted to get a couple pictures.  

We never had to hide bats when Bryant was little, but we have to hide them from Garrett.  When he finds them, he tomahawk chops anything he can find.  The other night, his target was a punch balloon.

He's got such a sweet/evil smile here!

We headed to the lake Friday night to go camping.  It was a hot weekend, but we had a nice shady camping spot close to the lake.

Bryant wanted a picture in his bed with his stuffed animals he brought to sleep with.

We were up late Friday night and Garrett got up at 6 am on Saturday morning, and was so exhausted by 9 am that he was back down for a nap

Playing games while Garrett slept

This is how we do t-ball - lake style.  Bryant came up with the idea all on his own.

This is Garrett's (aka Bam-Bam) version

This is the beach life!  Nap in the shade, paddle board in the water, and Palm Breeze in the lawn chair!

I love his dirty little face:)

Bryant had a ton of fun playing in the water whether swimming or going for paddle board rides.

Garrett waving to his brother on the paddle board

Bryant even got out on the paddle board by himself.

It's not really camping unless you have s'mores!

Kid tested and approved.

The heat took the energy out of everyone.  We were home by 10 am or so on Sunday and we had a big family nap after lunch.  Even with a big afternoon nap, Garrett snuggled up with his bottle and bear and went to sleep an hour early!  I would call that a successful weekend:)

Sunday, July 2, 2017

June Update

Garrett has been sick off and on the past couple of weeks.  He was super cuddly and didn't have an appetite.  This was the morning that he finally broke his fever.  I think I've posted before how much he loves shoes and he thought it was so fun to wear his brother's sandals!

He also took a 3 hour nap!  Both boys love their blankies that Grandma Susie made because they can stick their fingers through the little holes.

A quick trip to Lowes always involves the racing cart now

We took Bryant to the driving range  - he had a blast and wanted to go real golfing

This picture makes me laugh because you can see Bryant's pocket on the one leg is full.  I picked him up from school and he had picked out a whole bunch of rocks that he liked and stuck them in his pocket.  When I was about his age, we were at the Gates of the Mountains and I did the exact same thing:)

Garrett wanted to be just like his big brother.

I like Garrett's persistence.  After several attempts, he figured it was just easier to hit the ball with his hand!

This kid loves to take selfies!

Bryant definitely woke up too early last Saturday.  He never willingly takes a nap on the weekends and I never force it, so I was shocked when he laid down and fell asleep.  

It would be way too easy if both kids slept at the same time, so Garrett played hard while Bryant slept.

We went to our first Brewers baseball game of the year.  The team is moving to Colorado in 2019, so we only have a couple more years to watch:(  They were handing out free bike helmets at the games, so the kids were pretty excited for a new helmet.

And of course, we had to get a licorice rope.

Bryant will sit and watch the game, but Garrett prefers to be much more active.  He was entertaining everyone around us.

Since Bryant had so much fun at the driving range, we decided to take him on the par 3 golf course by our house.  They gave us a whole bunch of warnings that he had to play to be on the course and don't force him to hit every ball because he'd get frustrated.  None of that applied to Bryant - he did awesome and got better each hole.  He had so much fun and wanted to keep golfing after nine holes.  I'd say his first time was a success!

This has definitely been the weekend nap chair.  Garrett was back under the weather and got a really good nap in the bean bag.

Warm weather calls for getting the little pool out!

Bryant has been very into being recorded on video.  The other night he was making up silly songs and singing them for the camera.  Then I had him sing one of the songs they learned at school.  It always makes me laugh and I wanted it on camera so I could remember it for years to come!

Bryant had his dentist appointment last week and was cavity free!  

Safety first when taking out the garbage:)

The first t-ball game was a success!  Bryant got to play first base one inning, which gets the most action because all the kids are supposed to throw to first.  His team tackles each other to get the ball and Bryant doesn't like to play that way, so first base was perfect for him.  

His friend from school was on the other team, so they were chatting each other's ears off.

They do two innings, so here are his two hits - both of which went to the outfield.

Garrett had a lot of fun watching.  He cracks me up with how low he likes to wear his hat...I have no idea how he sees anything!

Lining up for high fives - Bryant is third from the end

Garrett wanted to do high fives after the game too, so him and Grandpa Jack were lining up for high fives:)

Garrett saying "hi" in his selfie!

We headed over to Grandma and Grandpa's house to celebrate Grandma Susie's birthday and got in a little baseball game.  Bryant was hitting homeruns into the cul-de-sac and Garrett (with the help of Grandpa) was getting doubles.  Then Bryant would get up to bat and say "I'll hit Garrett in"

Bryant wanted to make Grandma a chocolate cake, so we went with a German Chocolate cake and Bryant decorated with some cherries and pecans.  He stuck the pecans in like they were candles.  We only had 3's for candles, so I guess Grandma celebrated her 33rd birthday again:)

Happy Birthday Grandma Susie!