Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Happy 3rd Birthday Garrett!

Garrett's birthday was on a Monday this year, so we started celebrating his birthday over the weekend.  Who doesn't love waffles and whipped cream for a birthday breakfast?

We told the boys we could go bowling for Garrett's birthday, but there was a tournament in town, so Plan B was the climbing gym.

And then to Grandma and Grandpa's house to bowl on the Wii and open presents.

On Garrett's actual birthday, we took him to Pizza Ranch to play games (and eat a little pizza).  Bryant was making so many shots on the basketball game.  I think he even beat me!

This was Trav's reaction to Bryant scoring like crazy...

The boys also love to play the game where you have to knock down the clowns.

After dinner, we headed home to have cake and presents and this happened...

Garrett was so tired he wanted to go straight to bed, but since the week was busy with so many other things, we decided to wake him up to finish his party.  He had been asking for a PJ Masks cake for his birthday, so he was so excited when he woke up.

Time for presents!

Lucky Bryant even got some presents too

I can't wait for the weather to get nicer, so our little golfer can take his game outside.  I'm afraid we're going to lose a window!

Later that week, we also took the boys to a Carroll basketball game.  Garrett, who can be a little sour patch kid, was eating sour patch kids and making quite the sour face!

Even though he can be a little feisty, I so love this age and his little personality.  He can be quite talkative and some of the things he says are so cute.  I had a couple of his common sayings that I was going to include on this blog, but I'm totally drawing a blank, so I'll have to add more later.  He is quite competitive and you'll hear him shouting that "I won'd" whether it be brushing his teeth first or making a basketball shot.  We just signed him up for his first season of soccer, so he's pretty excited and it'll be fun to see how he does.  He loves to do everything from cooking, sports, music, puzzles, super heroes, building and wrecking, reading and all else in between.  He is silly, sassy, and sweet and 100% just like his daddy.  Happy 3rd Birthday Garrett!

Sunday, March 10, 2019

January Update (and some February)

Our kids have become quite the flossers and not with their teeth.  These were the start of them learning the dance move, which I actually think are way cuter than the correct way.  Here's Garrett

And Bryant

And their dance off.  Who does it best, which may be different than whose is the cutest?

Bryant was doing "tricks" with the flow rings

So, Garrett had to do his own tricks.  I remember Bryant singing this song when he was at pre-school too and it brought back such fun memories when Garrett started singing it.  

This time his silly trick is none other than the floss.

Grandpa Jack and Grandma Susie watched the boys one evening so Trav and I could have a little date night.  The boys fell asleep on the way home at 7 pm, which is way early for both kids.  I'm not sure who ended up more tired kiddos or grandparents!

Bryant used to always accompany me to the grocery store, but he no longer finds it fun.  Garrett on the other hand, still loves to come.  Especially if we get to drive the car cart.

Cold winter days lead to fun inside painting days

One of Bryant's classmates had a birthday party at Pizza Ranch.  The boys had so much fun in the game room.  You'd think they were shooting all the bad guys with the sheer concentration on their faces, but it took me most of the game to realize Bryant wasn't pulling the triggers...ha!

Bryant shooting hoops with his buddy, Devan

Garrett "won" a ball at Pizza Ranch and was still looking pretty sleepy after his nap with it.

I love watching them play together.  These were their rocket ships

Which turned into fort building

Which turned into Bryant teaching Garrett his letters and sounds

Our little Bella Boo is almost 1 year old in this picture

Bryant got Garrett a floaty toy from his Reindeer Express for Christmas.  It was such a thoughtful gift because the last time we went in the hot tub, Trav and I complained about not having one and Bryant remembered that.

Bryant had a holiday from school, so he and Trav built a coin sorter from scratch.  I've got two very inventive minds and I bet Garrett will be super interested in building too.

On our way to Whitehall to see Grandpa Ed and Grandma Betty before they headed south for a couple months.

A fun visit to Exploration Works

Definitely a blurry picture, but these boys were having fun!

After watching a Carroll basketball game the night before, the boys were practicing their signs they would do after making a 3 point shot.

And of course they had to wear their jerseys too!

Then we watched a Bobcat men's basketball game and cheered them to victory!

Everyone's hair was getting pretty long, so much so that we could all do pony-tails!

After the basketball game, the Bobcats signed posters.  The players were so nice and the boys absolutely loved it.  They had to come home and hang them up right away.

Garrett was pretty sleepy the next morning.  He crawled out of bed and climbed into the chair and tried to sleep some more.

Ever since Bryant got the desk in his room, he makes random notes that I find.  He's changed "girlfriends" so many times this year, but I still thought it was cute.  He's also made coupons for his friends so that they can "play together all recess".

Garrett wanted to pose for a picture 

Another birthday party, this time at a gymnastics place.

Which totally tuckered Garrett out.

Garrett came down with a cold and you know he doesn't feel well when he willingly takes a nap before noon.

Garrett likes to help me cook our big breakfasts on the weekends by sitting on the counter.  This time he wanted his picture with our Bella cookie jar

February is a big month of birthdays for us.  Bella's birthday was on the 9th and of course Garrett's on the 11th.  So we had a cake making day on the 9th.  The beaters were for Garrett's cake mix, not Bella's...

Bryant was such a big help with making Bella's cupcake.

The boys thought it was soooo funny watching her devour her cupcake.

And let's add in Valentine's Day to the mix too.  Bryant was so excited to decorate a box this year.  This is what he ended up with

Garrett had fun coloring the letters for his box too.

Next up Garrett's birthday!!!  How can my baby be 3 already?!?