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Sunday, September 30, 2012


Travis had the day off on Friday, so we took a little family outing to Philipsburg.  Bryant did really well on the road trip again and was very happy playing with daddy at lunch.

We then went to the candy store, which was amazing, but was a little too much for Bryant to look at because he conked out!

Philipsburg has a new brewery in town that we wanted to check out, but they were out of growlers, so we couldn't take any of the beer home with us.  Guess we will have to make another trip back someday, but not too soon - I could spend way too much time between there and the candy store!
The candy store also had stuffed animal puppets, so we splurged and got Bryant the coolest one there.  He's not crazy about his elephant yet, but someday he'll realize how fun it is:)

When we got home, he was still really playful and was having fun pushing with his legs.  At the end of the video, he tried to play Superman and fly!
With him trying to use his legs so much, we thought he might be ready for his jumperoo.  I think he still gets too overstimulated and doesn't know what to do, but it won't be long before he starts playing like crazy in it.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Since Travis and Bryant were the same height at birth, I wanted to keep track to see if Bryant would stay on track with his daddy's progress.  I pulled out Travis' baby book and little B outgrew his daddy!  At two months, Travis measured 22 5/8" to Bryant's 23.5". Travis weighed less at birth, but they both gained almost exactly 5 pounds.  I'm amazed at how similar they actually are in height and weight, but we are starting to think that Bryant is looking a little more like me.  Such a fun journey to watch him grow through the different phases! 

2 Months Old!

Bryant went to the doctor yesterday for his 2 month check-up and boy has he grown!  At 2 weeks he was 21" long (69%), 8 pounds 11 ounces (63%) and his head circumference was 37.75 cm (94%).  At 2 months, he was 23.5" long (71%), 13 pounds (66%), and head circumference 41 cm (93%).  In comparison to other baby boys, Bryant is a little over average for height and weight, but our boy has a big brain:)  We asked the doctor what they predict for height and he said based on Trav and my height that he would be 6'6" give or take 4" either direction, so anywhere from 6'2" to 6'10".  He also said that if he has short grandparents that those genes may have been carried forward, so who knows...

He had to get his shots yesterday too, which he did pretty well with.  I didn't know how he would sleep that night, but he slept 10 hours!  There probably wasn't much effect from the shots though as he seems to be sleeping 8-9 hours a night lately anyway.  With my luck, I'm sure that'll change when I go back to work.

Here are some pictures from the last few days of our 2 month old Bryant

He does better and better with his "tummy time"
 But, I'm pretty sure he is going to roll from his back to his tummy first.  He is taking after his daddy and trying to do his high jump arch already!
Ready for some football?
 It's probably hard to see him because he is in camo with his camo blanket, but he elected to roll onto his side and slept like that for his afternoon nap

He is still trying to figure out who that other baby is that takes a bath with him
 This was his sad look after we got home from his shots.  He needed some cudde time, but then was fine.

Showing off his three "stickers" from his shots.

Big smile before bed to show that shots don't phase this tough little boy

Friday, September 21, 2012

8 Weeks

I've been trying to get Bryant to play with other toys besides stare at his pigs and cows in his room, so I put this rattle in his hand to see how long he would play with it.

What is this???

Am I supposed to eat it?

I think I prefer sucking on my own hand
 Along with sucking on his hands more, Bryant is also liking to blow bubbles now.
He also loves to kick his legs and try and stand.  I took a video on my phone, which didn't turn out very well and this picture is a little blurry, but he was so happy trying to stand up with his daddy.

 Bryant and Mocha continue to try to hang out, but only with adult supervision.  In other words, Travis or I have to force Mocha to sit next to us.

Bryant still loves to smile and talk (to his pigs and cows on the wall)

But still has the same pout from when he was born
He also got to meet my good friend Joanie, who was in town from Ohio. It was great to see her and Bryant loved getting snuggles from her and her mom.
We go in for his 2 month doctor appointment on Monday.  Not so excited for the shots, but can't wait to see how much our little man has grown!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Friday Fun

I forgot a "first" that I was going to include in the last post, so I decided to do another post and include our activities from today.
Bryant and Mocha working on "tummy time"
 Bryant is now old enough to ride in his stroller, so his other first for 7 weeks old was stroller rides. The first trip he wasn't sure about it.  Either Travis or I had to walk in front of him so he didn't think we left him stranded, but in his third trip today, he did great!

Stroller rides can sure tire a baby out!
 And just for fun, he's another smile from today.  He's now found the cows on the wall and likes to talk to them too.

The following link will take you to Bryant's cousins blog for more pictures from their trip up to Montana.  Thanks Aunt Heather for the great pictures!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

All Smiles

Bryant is smiling more and more each day and as you can see in the following pictures, he is almost guaranteed to smile while hanging out on his changing pad. 

At 7 weeks, he has already changed so much.  Out of curiousity, we weighed him and measured his length to get an idea of how much he has grown.  We didn't use very accurate methods to determine these figures, so it'll be interesting to see how close we were when we go in for his 2 month appointment in a couple of weeks.  Based on our measurements, Bryant was 12.2 pounds and 23 inches long!
There has been 2 other big developments in the past week as well...
We transitioned Bryant to his "big boy bed" aka his crib.  Even though he looks tiny in there, he doesn't seem to mind because he usually sleeps about 6 hours straight during the night. 
The othe development was more so for Mocha - she finally is feeling more comfortable around Bryant and first laid next to him for the first time.  Don't they look comfortable?
 It didn't last very long, but after this, Mocha actually gave Bryant a kiss (another first for her).

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Bryant's Nursery

Before Bryant was born, Travis and I spent quite a bit of time getting his nursery ready.  We went with a farm theme and hoped that he would like animals

We looked and looked for a dresser that we liked and couldn't find what we wanted, so Travis built it.  He did an awesome job and I'm sure it will be used for years to come.
Turns out that Bryant loves the animals in his nursery.  His changing pad is on top of the dresser and he could sit up there forever just talking and staring at Mocha and the pigs.  I think he finds the drawing of Mocha more entertaining than the real Mocha right now, but I'm sure that will change in the future:)


With Travis' sister and family in town, we headed up to the cabin at Henry's Lake for some more fun.  Heather took some great group pictures that I'll have to steal, but in the meantime, here are a few pictures of the trip.   
Bryant isn't old enough to fish, but his dad was.  He bought a fishing license for the weekend and had more fun on the pond then in Henry's Lake. 
Helping Madeline reel in the "big" one
They fish were really fighting, but Travis maintained good form
It is not the size of the fish that counts, but how many you catch!

Bryant and I were spectators and were happy to take pictures with the man who caught the most fish on the weekend.

Bryant is 6 weeks old today too, so he took pictures with his animal friends at the cabin
We had a great time with all his family in town and look forward to their visit at Christmas!