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Monday, September 11, 2017

Bobcat Gold Rush

4 days of kindergarten can be exhausting!  After school on Friday, we headed to Bozeman for the volleyball alumni match and gold rush football game.  I was surprised that Bryant stayed awake in the car as long as he did.  He's still not very talkative about his school day, but I think it's going really well.  He likes showing off his projects for the day and I can already see him growing up and learning new things.

Crazy kiddo at dinner on Friday night.

Saturday morning, we met up with my good friend Meggie and her family at the duck pond.  We didn't ration our couple pieces of bread very well, but they had a lot of fun.  Garrett kept yelling duck at them and he doesn't place very much emphasis on the 'd', so it sounded like he was cursing at them.

Bryant and Story hit it off right away and had fun playing all weekend.  Whenever they weren't around, he kept asking where his friend was.  

Then it was time for the alumni match.  There were 3 of the 4 of us from our recruiting class there, which I thought was pretty impressive.  We had a good time and weren't too sore the next day!

All the alumni

The M's back together again!

After a nap for the kiddos, it was time for the Gold Rush football game.  

Garrett with fruit snacks is equivalent to a squirrel with nuts:)

He didn't make the stadium's Simba cam, but he made my Simba cam!

Bryant was so disappointed that his Bobcats lost, but it definitely was an entertaining game and I think it will be fun watching them the rest of the season.  Bryant complained that the weekend went way too fast, which I totally agree with and he really wants to come back and watch a basketball game.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

First Day of School!

I can't believe Bryant had his first day of kindergarten today...but first, I need to catch up with a few pictures.  For the eclipse, we were going to experience about 90% coverage, so we pulled the kids out of school for lunch and went and watched at a park.

Eating yummy peas from the garden

We had a new family move to the neighborhood and they have a boy in first grade and a girl that will be 2 soon.  The little boy came and introduced himself and now Bryant has a little buddy!  Bryant wanted to ride bikes with him, so they took off.  Bryant has never been able to ride his bike up the hill by our house without getting pushed, but when he saw Camden do it, he pedaled his way up with no help.  It's a blurry picture, but it definitely made my heart happy when I saw how fast they became little buddies.

Garrett got jealous that his brother got to go for a bike ride, so I knew I would find him here:

Everyone has to get a turn driving the lawn mower too.

We went to one of the last Alive at Fives to listen to music and let the kids play at the park.  Bryant wasn't sure about the park with a lot of kids there, but Garrett had no fear and started playing right away.  Then Bryant felt like he had to be the protector and would follow him around and "catch" him at the bottom of the slide.

Tropical sno!  Takes me back to my younger days when we would get these all the time in the summer!

More bike rides!

We took in some Friday night lights for a high school football game.  Bryant was so excited to get to watch football again.  Garrett was crazy as usual and kept entertained by looking at all the airplanes flying around to help fight the fires.

This crazy kid always has us laughing:

He is a rolling machine at night.  He sure found a comfy spot the other night...

Last Tuesday, we had open house at Bryant's school so we could take in all his supplies and see his classroom.  1st through 5th grade started the next day, so he was disappointed that he had to wait until today to go to school.

Garrett, again with no fear, jumps in with all the older kids and makes them wait forever while he has a turn on the slide.

Ice cream treats!

This kid loves to wear headphones!

Grandpa Jack and Grandma Susie promised to take Bryant golfing again this summer and with school fast approaching, they took him last week.  He managed to golf 16 par 3 holes before he was done.

Daycare was closed last Friday, so it was Daddy Daycare.  My boys were super busy!  They moved someone into an apartment, went to two banks (and got stickers and popcorn), took me to lunch, shopped at a couple stores, and then went to Dairy Queen for a snack.

Not surprising that both boys conked out on the way home.

On Saturday, my cousin got married in town, so we got the boys some fancy clothes to wear.  Bryant was very specific that his collared shirt had to have buttons all the way down and Garrett needed to match. 

Booms with Daddy:

Some pretty stylish looking men!

Garrett had a short nap and Bryant didn't nap at all, so by 10:00, they were exhausted.

The other day, I asked Bryant if he wanted to go for a bike ride and he said that Garrett wanted to go to, so he put Garrett's helmet on and got his bike out for him.  He can be such a helpful big brother.

We were dog-sitting Bee Dee last weekend.  Both boys love to take her for walks.

And now for the first day of Kindergarten.  Bryant and I had a couple conversations about why he couldn't go back to daycare, so I  wasn't sure how he would do.  He was super excited when he woke up this morning and was the first one dressed and ready to go.  We made signs yesterday to have with our pictures this morning.

Garrett started in the Rabbit Room, so he's know the youngest in an older room instead of being the big kid with all the little babies.  We dropped him off after Bryant, but he went to his new room and started playing right away.  No hugs and kisses or bye-byes for Mom and Dad.

Bryant did amazing at drop off too!

We got there before the bell rang (which is amazing because they usually didn't make it to daycare by the time school starts). The kids had time to play in the playground before school.  Bryant was apprehensive, but Garrett went right for the slide and again made all the big kids wait while he slowly climbed the ladder.

Once the bell rang, Bryant went and got right in line and followed Ms. Davey into the classroom.  He didn't cling to us or look sad or anything...we were so proud!  I was dying to know how he was doing all day - I wish I could have been a fly on the wall.  Then one of the mom's from daycare sent me the picture below that her friend (who has a son in Bryant's class) took.  So happy to see my shy little boy participating in class!  I asked him tons of questions and didn't get a lot of answers.  What I found out is that his favorite thing is recess (even though it sounds like he didn't play because there were too many kids), but he talked about how he got 3 recesses, which is more than his old school.  The lunch room was really loud so he said he didn't get to eat very much. (I packed him a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, grapes, juice and a cookie and he ate the whole sandwich, most of the grapes, and the juice, but didn't have the cookie until after school).  He earned two stars for being good today, which scored him a piece of candy from his teacher and his class earned one Mickey Mouse sticker for being good, which if they get enough, they get a party!  He got music class today, but was a little disappointed that they only got to do it once today.  He is still excited to go back for day 2 and because it is gym day (although he told me he was ready to go to the next class - meaning first grade), so I think it was a success.  Trav and I are beyond proud of him...and yes I did shed a few tears this morning when my little boy walked off with his teacher to Kindergarten. 

He came to pick me up from work so we could take him to a special dinner, and it looks like the first day official wore him out.

We went for pizza and games.  Garrett is on the fire truck in the picture, but loved the airplane ride.  He kept signing and saying more every time it stopped and cried like crazy when we had to leave.

When we got home, Bryant showed us his fun project from school.  He was so excited to talk about how he got to use his crayons and glue sticks.  They read a book about a little raccoon starting school and how he missed his mama, so she kissed his hand and whenever he missed her, he could put his hand on his cheek.  So they made hearts on the hands for the mamas because it can be just as hard for the, isn't that the truth!

Such a fun and exciting change for Bryant.  I can't wait to see what's in store for him!