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Sunday, August 30, 2015

Baseball and more

Bryant has been in a big baseball phase after t-ball.  He always is wanting to watch or play baseball, so we took him to watch another Brewers game the other night.

We've also been playing a bit of basketball, so he thought putting on dad's shoes would make him better.

We had some country music on while getting the shoes on, so here's Bryant's country music dance style:

We went and had burgers at York Bar and played in the playground a bit

And then headed back to town to watch some Little League World Series.  Bryant idolized these players, so much that he was copying their every move.  From practice swings, to running around the bases, to playing with his hair when they adjusted their helmets...he did it all!

Afterwards, he got a haircut.  Can you believe how old it makes my little boy look?

The other day, we had some time to kill before our dinner date, so I took Bryant to the store to get some more silly books.  He thought wearing silly masks was more entertaining.

He also got a belated birthday present and my dad found my brother's old batting glove from when he was little.  Who knew they made batting gloves that little!

The air in Helena has been really bad lately and outside play has not been recommended, so we've pulled out some of our fun winter activities.  This kid loves to paint!

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Family Fun!

The other day, we were talking about getting funky and I asked Bryant if it knew what that meant.  He said yes, and apparently he did understand because this is how he got funky!

Last weekend, we had a little mini family reunion that included my parents, brother and family, Aunt and Uncle from Colorado, and my cousin from Massachusetts and her family.  We were meeting up in Fairmont, so grabbed some breakfast to go.  Bryant took about 3 bites out of his sandwich and then was too excited to eat.

The 5 cousin kids played hard all day.  These two were quite the baseball players!

I can't believe that the little flower girl in Trav's and my wedding is already 10!  Sophie was such a great big cousin - Zoey made a new friend right away.

In order to go swimming, the kids had to take a picture together:)

Of course we had to say hi to the goats on the way to the pool and on the way back.  I didn't get any pictures at the pool, but the kids had a blast.  Bryant even went on the waterslide with Trav - twice!

This was Bryant's favorite goat.  When you have an extremely tired kid, you get a total meltdown when his favorite goat walks away...

Later that night, Sophie read Bryant book after book and Bryant made a new best friend.  

It was a good thing they came to Helena on Monday to see us again because Bryant couldn't stop talking about his older cousins and how they were his new best friends.  We did the Gates of the Mountains tour and Bryant even got to drive the boat for a little bit (can you tell he was a bit scared!)

Afterwards we headed to dinner.  Bryant was so excited to get to hang out with his cousins some more.  He kept doing extra silly things to try and get their attention.  He even was grabbing for Sophie's hand to have her walk with him by the end of dinner, which is a huge step for our shy little boy.  Just goes to show how much he adores them.  We'll definitely have to plan a trip out to Boston area to visit them now!


On another note, when I picked Bryant up from school today, he was so excited because as he said "I picked two beautiful flowers from the garden for you".  This little boy sure knows how to make mommy's heart happy:)

Thursday, August 6, 2015

3 Year Appointment and More

Bryant had some leftover cotton candy from the fair.  He loves it, but it sure makes a sticky mess!

He must still have the fair/rodeo on his mind because the other night he made daddy be the horse and had to ride like a cowboy.


Last weekend, we took Bryant just up the road where they have what I think of as a mini airport for little RC planes.  Those guys took their stuff pretty serious, but loved showing off and flying all their fancy toys for Bryant (and Travis).  Right before everyone was leaving, one guy brought out a big glider plane and for some reason, Bryant thought the guy was going to give it to him.  The whole time it was flying, Bryant kept asking "is it mines?".  He was so disappointed when he didn't get to take it home with him, so Trav promised to help him build an airplane at home.

We tested it to see if it would fly...not much luck there, but Bryant had fun with it while it lasted:)

We also set up the kiddie pool to cool off during the weekend.  Bryant had such a great time jumping in over and over again

On Tuesday, I took Bryant to the doctor for his 3 year check-up.  Even though he was really shy with the doctor, he passed with flying colors.  Bryant was 40.5 inches tall (97%) and 36 pounds (85%).  Compared to Travis at 3 years old, they are still so similar.  Travis was 40.75 inches tall and 35 pounds.  Crazy how similar those two are!

Even though Bryant has his stubborn toddler moments, he has become such a big helper around the house.  I love his stories that he tells especially on the way home from school, his little imagination when he plays by himself, and how much he cares for his little brother or sister to be. His new favorite saying is "I'm your best friend" or "I'm not your best friend anymore" depending on whether he is having fun or is mad at you. His best friends at school are Kaleb, Landon, and Drew-boo (apparently that's what they nicknamed Drew) and his girlfriend is Avery.  He is learning lots and isn't afraid to tell you "I know that".  He's a little athlete that can typically be found playing any sport (baseball and basketball are the current favorites) or riding his bike. He talks about how he is going to care for his baby brother (right now he thinks it will be a boy, but that changes sometimes daily).  He said he will carry him to his bed and put him in his high chair and feed him lots of milk.  He is convinced that he will take such good care of his little brother that he won't ever cry.  We'll see if that opinion changes in February:)  Either way, we are so very proud of our caring and fun-loving 3 year old and can't wait to see what the future holds!