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Tuesday, February 16, 2016

It's a BOY!

Garrett William Handl finally braved this big world on February 11th, 2016 at 12:52 pm.  He was 8 lbs 10 ozs and 21 inches long and has absolutely stolen everyone's heart, especially that of big brother Bryant.

Dad and Mom were ready to leave the hospital, but Garrett wasn't so sure...

First car ride!

My biggest worry about after Garrett was born was how Bryant would handle being a big brother.  Bryant has been so incredibly awesome and helpful.  I keep waiting for the newness to wear off and for him to get bored or want more attention, but that has yet to happen.  Garrett's the first thing on his mind as soon as he wakes up and the last thing on his mind before he goes to bed.  He loves to "pet" him, hold him, and definitely give him lots of hugs and kisses.  

We've started to adjust to our new sleep schedule as Garrett has been a great sleeper during the day.  I think those tides are changing, but don't want to jinx myself:)

We've allowed Bryant to give Garrett a bottle before bed a couple times and he loves it.  Not that we battled a lot at bed time before, but Bryant gets ready for bed extra quick now so he can be with his brother.

He loves to snuggle in with his brother for book time:)

We captured this pose tonight...Hello, Mr. February!

Last Saturday, my brother came up to visit to meet Garrett, so we got a new picture of all the grandkids on the Zanto side.

I love the surprise of not knowing the gender of the baby until it's born and I knew I would be happy with a boy or a girl. After seeing my boys all snuggled up on the couch, I couldn't imagine it any other way.

Happy (belated) Birthday Garrett!

Saturday, February 6, 2016

January Update

January has was a pretty low key month for us as we stayed close in case baby decided to come early.
Here's what we were up to this month:
Can you tell that we've been in sticker-on-the-face phase?

We've been watching more basketball.  Grandma and Grandpa have tickets in a different section than us.  Bryant always wants to go sit with them, so he's compromised with us and will sit with us for the first half.  Last Friday, he was extremely tired and actually fell asleep during the game...

We had a conference at work and they put balloons on the table.  I took some home for Bryant and he was so excited!

Daddy-son nap time:)

We also got in another ski day.  It was super busy so Bryant was a bit tentative, but he's starting to get turning down!

We've also been trying to prepare Bryant for what to expect with baby.  I found my old cabbage patch doll "Buddy", so I thought that would be good practice.  He kept telling me today that he didn't need to support baby's neck because she's already strong enough and started dragging the doll around by the arm.  It may be interesting when baby does finally arrive...

He also built a "truck" this morning with the baby toys.  

And we've also been prepping for the Super Bowl tomorrow.

Go Broncos!