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Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Videos and more

Bryant was in a singing mood on the ride home the other day.  I also didn't realize how much he listens to the radio until he started singing his rendition of Exs and Ohs.

We visited with Grandma Susie and Grandpa Jack after their trip to Seattle and Bryant got a new boomerang.

And made Ninja Turtle cookies.

Bryant decided that Garrett needed a helmet to wear when playing the other day.  Garrett is always so happy to play with his brother that he goes along with all his games.

The Bobcat football team had their first football game the other day.  Bryant wanted to watch it, but didn't quite make it through the whole game.

This kid can take a TON of room in the bed!

We went to a Carroll football game and both kids did well and had a lot of fun.

But definitely were exhausted by the end.

Garrett loves his Mocha, but has no concept of gentle.

Over Labor Day weekend, we went and bought a camper.  It rained so much that weekend, but it seemed so perfect to drive it home under this full rainbow.  Bryant was so excited and said it was a super cool camper so I see a lot of fun camping trips in our future.

I'm not sure if it was from watching the band play or what, but Bryant started playing and marching this tune.

Bryant started in the Moose room at preschool on September 6th.  This is the last room before he goes to kindergarten!  He was so talkative on the way home after his first day.  He said he was sad though because his previous room had a slide and this one doesn't have a slide...but it does have a guinea pig!  I asked what the guinea pig's name was and he said Richard...turns out it is Paser.  Bryant adores Paser and it's hard for me to convince him to come home.  The other day, I came at nap time and Bryant had set his bed up in front of Paser's cage.  This was a picture after his first day.  They had materials and could build whatever they wanted...he chose to build a snake and a ball.

This little ninja is 7 months old!  I kept telling everyone lately that he is 6.5 months and I looked at the calendar today and realized that he's more than 7 months!  Time is flying by!

We went to dinner the other day and Garrett always shows an interest in what we are eating, so we let him gnaw on some celery.

With lots of football watching going on, we of course have to play some too.  I think we have a future receiver on our hands!

After watching the Steelers "dance" after his touchdown, Bryant tried his own version.

Garrett is still a jumping fool!

Anything can seriously make this kid laugh!  They even told me at daycare today that they had a fire drill and the babies get wheeled out in cribs.  Apparently Garrett didn't get scared by the noise and thought it was super funny to be wheeled around!

And these brothers love playing together:)

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