Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Monday, August 17, 2020

March Update

Garrett had costume day at school.  He had such a hard time picking and probably changed his mind 3 different times, but ended up with Optimus Prime

Bryant wanted his pictures with all his medals that he has so far

Bryant had been asking how many days until March for so long because he could finally rent lacrosse gear.  He was so excited when he got it!

Of course we had to get a stick for Garrett too.

Garrett tries so hard to not need a nap during the weekends and it is so cute when he can't quite make it and just crashes.

Snow or not, we are ready for the outdoors!

Told you in January...this kid likes to run.  And Garrett's doing his "extrasizes" aka exercises too.

I don't remember how, but Garrett crashed and burned and gave himself a good little fat lip.

All was normal and then all was not.  It was mid-March when coronavirus shut Montana down and homeschool started.  This was the 'see how tall of a lego tower you can build' challenge.

This was the 'see how far your paper airplane can fly' challenge

And this was the reality sometimes...

Yay for a tooth fairy visit!

Grandma and Grandpa built a picture scavenger hunt for the boys.  They had so much fun finding their pictures that we had to create more!

We went for a walk and told the boys they had to find a treasure rock and then come back and describe it.  Garrett couldn't pick just one and ended up with like 50 rocks.  Bryant was so patient listening to him describe every rock...

Garrett was very intent on listening when his turn was over.

Bryant went running after Bella who took off chasing a neighbor and he slipped on the gravel on the side of the road.  I had a similar owie at this age and the same "pathetic-er" look.

But ice cream has a way of making you feel better

Even enough to do ninja warrior challenges while watching Ninja Warrior.

Garrett and Bryant got to do a Zoom painting class for a friend's birthday party.

They made a baseball picture

This kid loves his ring pops...


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