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Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Carnival Classic

On Sunday, we headed to the Carnival Classic in Helena.  The event helps support the local schools and organizations and there were tons of booths and people.  Bryant was a bit overwhelmed with all the activity, but had a few favorite booths.  He liked taking the golf balls from the miniature golf course, and watching the robots and horse rides.  He really liked the set-up by Kid Sports.  They take kids as young as 18 months, so we are thinking of signing Bryant up in a couple months!

Bryant also played the game at the booth for his future school...he'll be a Warren Wolverine!  He "threw" the football through the hoop...
...and won a book!

Later, we stopped at Lowes to pick up a few items and we let Bryant drive the cart...he loved it!

The weather started getting a bit chilly lately, so we put Bryant's coat on that we got him as a baby.  It still fits!  

We also ordered a Booster chair the other day to use as a high chair when we travel.  Bryant loves little seats that are his size, so when we got it today, he immediately started sitting in it and pushing it around the house.  I would say it was a successful purchase!

Bryant's sign language has also improved significantly over the past couple weeks.  He now consistently says more, please, milk, all done, and will occasionally sign thank you.  I think he is also starting to try and say words, but they definitely don't make a lot of sense yet.  From what I can tell, three of his "words" are bubbles (bah-bas), quack, quack (ack, ack), and dog (gog).  Each day, Bryant finds a new way to entertain us, whether with his words or actions.  So fun!

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