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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

15 Months

Bryant is 15 months and growing like crazy!  I haven't taken a whole lot of pictures since we got back from vacation, so here are a few of our new activities...
Helping decorate for Halloween

Loving his dog - I think he even may be trying to say Mocha, but it sounds a lot like dada.
Travis had to work this weekend and Bryant had a fever and wasn't himself.  Being the awesome daddy and husband that Travis is, he brought us home some milkshakes, which made everyone feel a lot better!  I thought the fever was a little cold, but we found today, it may have been a cold and the new tooth that came in on the bottom.

Bryant enjoys getting to do art projects both at daycare:
and at home:
Today was Bryant's 15 month doctor's appointment so we got to find out his stats.  We were thinking that Bryant has really grown in the past couple weeks because his 12 month pants have become capris and his 18 month pajamas are almost too small.  The appointment confirmed our thoughts.  I think they stretched him extra long today, be he jumped from the 50th percentile in height to the 90th percentile!  His official stats were:
Height: 32 3/4" (93%)
Weight: 25 pounds, 12 ounces (86%)
Head circumference: 49 1/4 cm (97%)
Although I am not officially an auditor anymore, I apparently still like charts and updated the charts to compare Travis and Bryant's height and weight.  Besides Bryant weighing a little more, those two have been almost identical!

Bryant is back to using more and more sign language and I think his visit with his cousins helped him develop more of his language as he is trying to speak more words lately.  He will sign more, please, cracker, milk, and eat.  He will also mimic the signs for airplane, ball, and dog although I'm not sure he remembers them.  His words are mama, dada, more, cracker, and bubble.  He is also really intrigued by clocks and will try and repeat the word clock after we say it - I think mostly because he likes to say words with the ck sound.  He is starting to understand what we ask him to do and sometimes he will even do it (if he feels like it).  When he is in the mood, he can tell you where his head, nose, and belly are - he likes to lift his shirt up and point out his belly button.  He also has a "chore" that he gets super excited to do - put dog food in Mocha's bowl.  He carries the cup of food from the bag to the bowl, attempts to dump it in Mocha's bowl (which usually ends up all over the floor), and then he runs back to the bag to put the cup back in.  It's super cute!

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