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Wednesday, April 13, 2016

2 Months Old!

This smiley little guy is 2 months old!

We've been busy this past week, which started with picking up a new bike for Bryant since he outgrew his bike from last year.

On Saturday, we took a trip to Great Falls to watch the Triangle Classic (Bobcat football scrimmage).  Bryant is always interested in the team names of who is playing and who is winning, so he was really confused why the Bobcats were playing against the Bobcats. 

After the scrimmage, he got a big milkshake at lunch.

And we went to the Scheels in Great Falls.  Bryant has taken an interest in boxing the past couple months, so he thought it was pretty fun to try on the boxing gloves.

More smiles from Garrett

But he does have a pout face too...he didn't like the yawn sound that daddy was making!

Here's Bryant's pouting picture when he was about 2 months old too...these boys are definitely brothers!

On Sunday, we spent a couple hours at the park by where I grew up because they got new playground equipment.  

Grandma Susie with the winner (and his winnings) of our family NCAA basketball tournament pool...yep, Garrett picked Villanova to win, so we all lost to a 2 month old...pretty sure he was thinking that he could beat us all in his sleep!

Garrett had his 2 month checkup on Monday and big brother Bryant really wanted to go to the doctor with him.  Garrett had a good checkup, but had to get 3 vaccine shots.  He was pretty unhappy that night and Bryant was super concerned.  Big brother has a huge heart and is a very sensitive kid, so he was in absolute tears when Garrett was crying because he didn't like that his brother didn't feel well.

Garrett is extremely fond of his big brother too - I couldn't get a good picture of Garrett looking at the camera and smiling because he was too busy watching everything his big brother was doing!

For Garrett's 2 month stats, he was 23.5 inches long (75%), 13 lbs 12 oz (83%), and 40.3 cm head circumference (84%).  Compared to Bryant at 2 months, they were the exact same height, Bryant was only 13 lbs, and Bryant's head was bigger (41 cm).  Sorry about the computer screen glare, but I still haven't figured out a better way to download the comparison charts, but here are the much anticipated comparisons with daddy, Bryant, and Garrett's height and weight:

Garrett has been getting pretty consistent in his sleep schedule and has been going to bed about 10:30 and waking up about 5:30, so were starting to work towards him sleeping in his own room instead of in ours, but haven't quite gotten there yet. 

We've got a busy couple days ahead of us as Bryant has his first soccer practice tomorrow and first game on Saturday.  He's been reading a book about soccer every night for the past week or so and has a friend on the team, so fingers crossed that he won't be too shy to play...

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