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Saturday, April 30, 2016

April Update

I can't believe how fast the past couple weeks have gone and it seems like both my boys grew like crazy in just that short amount of time.

Garrett's facial expressions are the cutest.  He's usually super smiley, but occasionally we do something that makes him pout.  This pouting session was brought to you by Travis singing the country song by Lady Antebellum...I Run to You...Garrett apparently didn't want anything to do with running!

They had picture day at school and although Garrett isn't in school yet (he starts May 9th), I asked if I could bring him in to have his picture taken with Bryant.  So we got all dressed up and when we got there, Bryant refused to have his picture taken with Garrett.  So Garrett had his picture taken and gave a big smile and apparently Bryant went in later and got his picture taken and smiled.  Bryant told me that he just wanted  his picture by himself...I guess we'll see how their individual pictures turn out.  This was Garrett's outfit for the picture, I didn't get one of Bryant.

We had about a week of super nice weather, which has turned to quite chilly weather lately.  While it was warm, we enjoyed some ice cream out on the deck.

Garrett has been trying out his jumperoo lately and although he doesn't get the jumping part, he's usually pretty happy.

Which turned to sad

And back to happy!

He's not a big fan of tummy time at all (can you tell by that face???), but he is still starting to get pretty strong.

Bryant started soccer and it has been an extreme roller coaster ride.  The first week, his practice got rained out, so the first time he met his coach and teammates was at his first game.  Needless to say, he was not interested in playing.  Practice was a little better, but he mostly played before or after when fewer kids were there.  Last weekend, he actually played in the game, but held the coach's hand for most of it.  And this week, he didn't need to hold her hand at all, so we are making progress.  We still are trying to convince him to kick the ball.  He does so good and is so aggressive playing at home that it is hard to watch him not kick the ball.  We'll get there, but in the meantime, he is having fun just running around on the field.  And we need to work on playing at practice.  Last week, he pretty much refused to play at practice and told me he only wants to play in the games...So here's our cross country kiddo on the soccer field.

Check out his new Captain America hat!

I've been trying to clean out and organize more of the house before I go back to work and Bryant found our snorkel gear in my closet.  Him and dad had to try it out in the hot tub.  

We also had a dance party the other night.  Not sure where Bryant learned his moves...

Even though Bryant didn't want to have his picture taken with Garrett at school, he still always wants to be around him.  Check out my two big boys in Garrett's crib

This happy little guy is starting to take an interest in toys and his hands, but he hasn't figured out how to use them together so that his hands can grab the toy

This week was still chilly, so this is how Garrett watched big brother's soccer game.

Bryant looks so ready to play defense, you would think he would kick the ball...

He also looks way older than all the kids out there, but he's not...

Garrett also had his first "sick" doctor visit as he got pink eye.  He has been in really good spirits other than goopy eyes, so it hasn't been bad, but we did get to see how much he weighed at the doctor...14 lbs 12 ozs...he gained a pound in about 3 weeks!  And we measured Bryant at home the other day to see how tall he was and he grew almost an inch in a little over 2 months!

And I was finally able to get my videos to upload, so here are Bryant's baseball video where he hits a homerun and Garrett's bath video where he's talking away.

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