Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Catch Up Post

I apparently had a lot of pictures and videos to upload leading up to Garrett's first birthday, so next post will be all about our little one year old!

We've been doing more and more science experiments - this one was bouncing bubbles!

Bryant loves to help bake. Not that my cookies are always the same size, but I had to let any perfectionism go as he wanted to put the cookies on the pan.

It was also really cute today as he was helping me fold laundry.  He asked me if I worked hard on stay at home days.  I told him that I did so that we can have a clean house, clean clothes, etc.  Then he asked if he helped if that would make it easier and make me proud.  Absolutely buddy!

Can you tell that Garrett loves balloons...this is why we chose to have a balloon themed party!

A family friend got married a couple weekends ago and Bryant has been really into dance parties, so he was excited to bust a move on the dance floor with Grandma!

Not to be out done, Garrett and Grandpa tore up the dance floor too!

The next day we went to Grandma and Grandpas for some sledding.  I couldn't believe how hard it was to find a sled in town...we had to go to 4 different stores to find 1 sled!

Garrett wasn't sure what to think of the snow

But he sure thought Grandpa was making silly faces.

Bryant LOVES sledding.  I cannot emphasize how much that kid loves to sled and play in the snow.  Everyday that I pick him up from daycare, his gloves are much so that they aren't even dry by morning!

  Garrett is using more and more hand signals to communicate and one of my favorites is "Hi!"

More dance parties at our house...

We decided to head to Bozeman one Saturday for a Bobcat men's basketball game.  Garrett was getting rested up to cheer hard

Such an awesome game...Bobcats won in overtime!

Bryant was so into it - he was cheering with the rest of the crowd.

Another sledding weekend!  This time Garrett loved it because his brother was pulling him around the yard.  Bryant would fall on purpose just to make Garrett laugh.

Then Bryant went over to the neighbor's house to try out their sledding hill.  He loved it!  Travis estimated that Bryant climbed up the hill and sledded down over 25 times.  We went out to dinner that night and Bryant got a sucker to take home.  Needless to say, he was so exhausted that he fell asleep for the night without finishing his sucker and it was before 6:00!

There's no way both kids would ever fall asleep early, so Garrett partied away while his brother slept.  He loves climbing in his brother's bean bag chair.

A friend of ours had their birthday at the climbing center in town.  There was a big swing in the kids section.  Garrett loved it and just laughed and laughed.

Bryant got special climbing shoes and they hid Starbursts in the rocks so the kids could climb up and get candy.  You can definitely tell from the look on Bryant's and Garrett's faces that Garrett is a kid of no fear and Bryant is the cautious one!

They also had a play area, which was probably Bryant's favorite part.

Something about sleeping babies that can make your heart melt!

Everyone comments on how good of an eater that Garrett is.  Yep, when that kid is hungry, he eats!  And both kids have been going through a growth spurt and have been eating like crazy.  The other night we had Papa Murphy's pizza and Bryant had 6 slices and Garrett had 3.  And they both ate oranges too!  We are in trouble when these kids are teenagers...

Bryant got Transformer tattoos from Santa and we just got around to putting them on, so naturally, he wanted all of them on at once.  I think this was supposed to be his tough face...he's going to love me for this picture when he is older...

Alrighty...all caught up...the next post will be about Garrett's 1st birthday!!!!!  He goes to the doctor on Monday, so we'll see how big our little guy is:)

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