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Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Garrett loves to snuggle all wrapped up in warm blankets...and actually, I don't know who doesn't:)

Bryant was all excited for St. Patrick's Day.  The day before he made sure to tell us that he needed to wear green and wanted to be covered in green from head to toe.  He was disappointed that he didn't have green shoes too.  I wasn't planning on doing anything special (besides dressing him in green), but I woke up feeling creative and thinking that I could make some fun pancakes.  When Bryant woke up, he had a plate of pancakes with 3 leaf clovers (no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get the 4th leaf!), a rainbow, and a pot of gold.  I'm glad I did because when he saw it, he said "I told you the little man was going to come!".  He also told Garrett that the little man brought him lovely pancakes.

All dressed in green!

Bryant was happy to see that Garrett was dressed in green so he didn't have to pinch him.

Here's some other things we've been up to since the last post:

This is how we bake cookies at our house...

Bryant's yogurt mustache

Sunday was really nice outside so we took advantage of it and played a ton outside.  It was a good thing too because it is snowing today...  Bryant and I played baseball and Trav played Mr. Mom:)  I've been trying to upload a video of Bryant play baseball, but it won't seem to upload.  Even though we haven't played all winter, he picked up the bat and was hitting like he's been practicing every day!

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